Jumat, 22 Februari 2019


Analisis Faktor Determinan Proksi Kejadian Hipertensi di Poliklinik Interna BLUD RSU 
Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara 

Hypertension represent the serious and big problem in all the world. From other side because prevalensi which high enough that is 19,7 % and tend to increase a period of/to to come, also because high ferocity storey;level in the form of permanent handicap and sudden death. Hypertension disease of Regency. hypertension in BLUD General Hospital South East Sulawesi Province that in 2008 the number of new visits to the outpatient hypertension as many as 1672 case, as many as 1758 case in 2009 and in 2010 as many as 1789 case. This study aims to analyze the determinants proxy of occurence hypertension in BLUD general hospitals South East Sulawesi Province. This research have the character of the observasional with the device [of] case study manage the (Case Control Study), where case is hypertension patient, is control the non patient hipertensi.Uji used by Odds Ratio and regresi logistics with the value ά= 0,05. Result of study show there are relation which signifikan to hypertension by family history OR = 6.84 95% CI (3.92 to 11.94), obesity OR = 6.32 95% CI (3.64 to 10.96), consumption of salted fish OR = 9.52 95% CI (5.35 to 16.95), physical activity OR = 8.07 95% CI (4.60 to 14.14), smoking OR = 8.19 95% CI (4.60 to 14.59), stress OR = 5.18 95% CI (3.38 to 9.96), diet OR = 5.44 95% CI (3.12 to 9.50), area of residence OR = 1.53 CI 95% (0.92 to 2.55), on multivariate analysis, consumption of salted fish is a proxy determinant of the incidence of hypertension. Advice need for society to control the risk factors for hypertension by controlling salt consumption, smoking, obesity, regular physical activity, leading a healthy lifestyle, diet. Keywords : hypertension occurence, family history, obesity, consumption of salted fish, physical activity, smoking, stress, diet, area of residence

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